My name is Emily. I grew up in northern Virginia and currently reside in North Carolina. I graduated from George Mason University with a Bachelor's degree in art, my concentration in graphic design. Yes, I'm a graphic design nerd. I love color and fonts and logos and good grammar and successful use of white space. And food. And dogs. (And I think comic sans needs to die).

Purple is my favorite color. Summer is my favorite season. I drive a blue Jeep Wrangler. And I can't stand the word "y'all".
I had told myself that I'd never start a blog, but *ta da*, I've crossed over to the dark side! So come on in and read about the random things that fill my days. I had forgotten how much I enjoy writing, and I think this is a good platform for me to write, share photos, and even share some of my design work and other artistic pursuits. Welcome!
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