The more races I run, the less opposed to ice baths I become.
This looks so dreamy right now. |
Yesterday I ran my fifth half marathon: the
Wrightsville Beach marathon in Wilmington, NC.
Not the most creative race bling ever, but it'll do. |
I think I've finally come to the realization that I'll never be a fast racer. It's annoying, but, uhh...aim low and you'll never be disappointed? Something like that. No, not really. Kinda.
I've also decided that I should only run beach races because, well...beach! And also, the flatness. Flat races are the cat's meow.
I started out the race feeling annoyed. For some reason I had no confidence I'd finish and I had a deep hatred for the people cheering and ringing cowbells at mile 2. It was still dark out, (the race started at 6:45am), and I don't do well with people in the mornings, especially obnoxiously loud ones. I was running with my friend, Lindsey, and I could feel I was holding back her pace, so around mile 3 I told her to please forge ahead with her bad self, and so she did. I stretched quickly and kept on going.
The only way a cowbell would have been acceptable. |
I was actually feeling quite good after that, for most of the race, and felt I could have done so much better had my feet not been causing me so much pain. It doesn't make sense to me why I don't have issues with them on long runs, but on race day my feet are
always the issue! (If you want to see a picture of the awesomely disgusting blister that took over one of my toes, let me know. I can arrange a viewing).
Aside from the blister on my right foot, my left foot is the real douchebag.
It hurt so bad on the ball of my foot right behind my big toe that I started over-exaggerating my heel-strike, which was making my calf tight. It was a series of unfortunate events, really.
The truly mind-boggling thing about this is that I have NO BLISTERS in this area! It just hurts like a bitch when I get about eight miles into a race and then even the slightest bump on the road or uneven pavement sends shooting pain through the area.
Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else experienced such a thing??
For the last three miles I did way more "fast walking" than I want to even admit to myself since running made my left foot feel like it was going to explode. I may or may not have exclaimed "motherfucker!" to myself, and possibly out loud, sporadically throughout that experience. It wasn't my proudest moment, but whatever. (Finishing time: 2:35:08)
"I hate everything, but look, I finished!" |
We raced through some super rich neighborhoods. I mean, I've never before been met in a race by people on their plush, green lawns drinking bloody marys (at 8am) and kids on bikes wearing boat shoes and blazers. And no, I'm not exaggerating.
There were at least 2 of these. You know, starter vehicles for the kids. |
I did, however, appreciate the crazy awesome crowd support (after about mile 6, of course, once the sun was up) and all the spectators with their dogs. I high-fived kids, someone complimented my shoes (ironically for me), and the rain held off until my last mile! I would definitely do this race again.
Also, I have already registered for my next race!
It's possible I was mainly enticed by the food. |
I'm hoping to find
something to relieve my foot woes before then. Any advice?