Monday, February 13, 2012

I also sent out my taxes.

So, how did my 12-mile run after work on Friday go? Well...It sort of didn't. Actually, it did, it just was a very dizzy 10-mile run instead. My official last long run prior to my half on Saturday.

Feeling slightly defeated and slightly glad it's just effing over.

Have you ever had a run (or a workout), where you find that one song that you just keep repeating? For this run, that song was Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars. I'm not sure why but as soon as another song came on, I just wanted it back. So I literally repeated that song over and over again for an hour and 39 minutes. If my math is correct, that means I listened to Runaway Baby about 43 times. Wow. I'm a crazy lunatic.

But, seriously, how can you argue with
You better run. You better run. You better run. You better run. You better run. You better, you better, you better run run run away run away baby.
...while running, while dizzy. I don't know, it just made sense.


On Saturday morning I attended my first hot yoga class and it was amazing! Yes, I was sweating like a 400-pound man running through the rainforest, but then again, that's not really any different than any other workout.

Quick! Someone get the fire extinguisher!

I'm definitely planning to go back when I can. Since it costs $12 each time, I'll probably only be going a couple times a month. Why must yoga be so damn expen$ive?!

This weekend I also did some baking. I present to you chocolate chip coconut scones.
Chocolate? good. Coconut? Good. Scones? GOOD!

Pippi tried to steal some off the counter. Sneaky little jerk.

I also made lasagna again on Saturday for dinner. Since I was making it for me and two guys who don't like mushrooms, and one who doesn't like olives, I couldn't make it exactly like I'd like to, but it was still good.
I'm such a bad little blogger. I only got a 'before' shot.

And what did the dogs accomplish this weekend?
All your productivity makes us so sleeeepy.

OH, and I woke up early Sunday morning to Pippi barfing up the DVD case she'd consumed onto my bedroom carpet. It's tough work being a cute little shithead.


  1. I don't do hot and I don't do yoga. Hot yoga? Sounds excruciating! Kudos for you or doing it and liking it!

    Sorry your run wasn't good - that just means the race will be awesome. The song I've done that with is Fake it by Seether.

    1. See...I do hot and yoga way better than cold and...whatever the opposite of yoga is.

  2. Hot yoga is a great way to loosen up your muscles for running. Love it! Sorry about the dog puke. Been there many times:)

    1. I'm so glad dog vomit doesn't smell like human vomit. Is that the silver lining?

  3. I've listened to the same song on repeat for several times in a row but pretty sure I've never listened to the same one for that long! Those chocolate chip coconut scones look pretty tasty! Yum!

  4. Love the reflective vest, headlamp combination. How can I be more like you? I actually do that with songs all the time. You're not the only crazy out there.

    I want some of those scones.

  5. The reflective vest and headlamp means I STILL almost got ran over more than once. It's a good thing I have quick reflexes.

    1. I have the same issues too! People are too busy ______ to pay attention to us on the road! (fill in the blank with whatever non-driving thing they do.)

  6. The same song for almost 2 hours?? You are crazy.

    Pippi and Peanut would really get along. I really should have sent Peanut home with you.

  7. Nice outfit!...good thing you're already in a relationship ;)

    P.S. those scones look uh-mazing!

    1. I'd totally date her. She should be a model for Petzel.

  8. I could probably listen to the same song for hours, I get obsessed with songs and play them over and over. I still say 10 miles after work is amazing. Hot yoga the next morning makes you a rock star.

  9. $12? My cheap Hebrew butt would never be able to bring myself to pay that much. Anyways, I realized this is your first V-Day with HGG and I'm wondering what couples who still give a crap do. Besides..."make lasagna".

  10. Oh hot yoga. No thanks! Those scones look great!

  11. I've been a little out of the loop, but Yay! I see you got a headlamp!!! That yoga price sounds on par with the little studio that opened up next to my apartment in NJ. It was $15 for 1hr 15 min drop-in classes. If you prepaid 5 classes, it was $14 a piece, or 10 classes was $13 each. The nice thing is that it was never more than 6 people. The yoga through my grad school gym was free with membership but it got PACKED. I think they squeezed up to 24 people in a class.
