I saw this billboard on my way home from the beach and it just seemed
an appropriate way to open this post. LIVE YOUR DREAMS, KERMIE! |
How did my first half marathon go? Well, I reached my goal: I finished!
How sweet is this medal?! |
First off, this race was
nothing like that horrible
hot chocolate race in December. Even from the very beginning (parking), things couldn't have gone smoother. Also, the porta-potties were plentiful and the lines moved quickly. We all know how important
that is.
My first race expo and, really, the palm tree took center stage. |
One thing I have to note, that I'm sure no one else probably even remembers, is the dude singing the National Anthem messed up and had to restart. He pulled a Christina Aguilera (ha!) Even at 6:20am I was coherent enough to realize this.
I started out the race running in step with
Alyssa, Lily, and Mike, but around mile 2 I slowed back because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep up a 9-minute pace for 11 more miles. I was dizzy all the way until around mile 5. At mile 4 I really wanted to go collapse in the medical tent, but I kept trucking. Thankfully the dizziness eased up around the halfway point of the race.
People cheering for me by name was pretty spectacular. |
My calves were extremely tight, and just never loosened up. I kept having to step over to a curb to stretch them. I don't remember much between about miles 5 and 11 except for being in pain and having to do run:walk intervals and hating life. I kept remembering what HGG told me the night before, though, and just made finishing my goal. This was my first half, and I kept thinking if I got a crap time, it could only improve next time.
Headphones weren't allowed in this race, although I really could have used some music in my life. I think it's an A.D.D. thing. I need something to occupy my brain. Apparently my own thoughts aren't interesting enough for two hours of pavement pounding. I'm convinced I could have gotten a much better time with some tunes. The majority of the people around me were wearing them anyway. That's what I get for being a goody-two-shoes and following the rules, I guess.
Once I hit mile 11 and the point at which the half-marathoners' and full marathoners' courses split, hunger really hit me and I realized I had forgotten to take my Gu, but knew it was too late now that I was hungry. But, dude, only two miles to go. I could do this! Those last two miles were nauseating. I don't know why, but sprinting the last quarter of a mile into the finishers' chute, it was all I could do to not throw up.
Running through the finish line was kind of a blur. I was most excited to finally sit down. Is that wrong? As I reached the finish, the third full-marathoner was finishing. That's insane! I swear the first few full marathon finishers are superheros in disguise. When I leaned over to have my race medal put around my neck, I almost fell into the medal-hander-outer. I met up with my aunt and uncle, who had been watching everyone finish, and we took some photos. It was nice to have some familiar faces after finishing!
Garmin time: 2:22
Official time: 2:28
That means I took a total of six entire minutes at water/Powerade stations and stopping to stretch my calves. I'm hoping my next half marathon will be a much more comfortable run, but I FINISHED!
Alyssa finished ANOTHER marathon, too. It was the shirts :) |
All the runners: Mike, Lily, Eric, Alyssa, and me...and the awesome sign Alyssa's
friend Nicole made. |
Fun details and pictures to come!